Legislative Action Center




+ Designating Accounting as a STEM Field

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Students looking for an area of study that will prepare them for a successful career often consider entering into a STEM field.  TXCPA and advocates nationwide are encouraging Congressional action to designate accounting as a STEM field of study.

+ Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI)

TXCPA members are urged to reach out to the Senators Cornyn and Cruz urging their support for H.R. 5119 before the year concludes. 

+ Employee Retention Credit (ERC)


  + Permanent Disaster Relief Provisions

AICPA and TXCPA support legislation to improve the IRS’ authority to provide federal tax relief and provide flexibility to recover from a disaster using retirement funds.

AICPA endorsed bills:

   - The Filing Relief for Natural Disasters Act
   - The Disaster Retirement Savings Act 


  + Mobile Workforce Taxation

The pandemic fueled a rise in remote work across the country. More industries are now impacted by state tax withholding complexities. AICPA supports federal legislation of 30-days before income tax withholding.  Read this article.


  + Fiscal State of the Nation Resolution

Bipartisan Senate and House resolutions related to the nation’s long-term fiscal picture are drawing attention from the public and policymakers. Read the resolution.


  + Representing You on Capitol Hill

AICPA and TXCPA leaders visit with federal legislators annually to discuss the issues above and others related to protecting your profession and supporting your clients and companies. Stay tuned to your TXCPA member communications to learn more about this important advocacy issues. 





Proposal Comments:

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