Last Week in the Legislature
Session Begins to Pick Up Steam — TXCPA Priority Legislation Advances
By Kenneth Besserman
Director of Government Affairs and Special Counsel
March 14, 2025 | Issue 8
AUSTIN -This week is an important milestone of the 2025 legislative session. March 14 marks the 60th day of the legislative session, which is the last day that bills can be filed without special permission from the legislature. To date, there have been 7,637 bills and constitutional amendments filed, with likely several hundred or upwards of 1,000 to be filed on the last day of bill filing. This session looks to be a record bill filing session.
The significant increase in bill filings compared to recent sessions can create a lot of roadblocks, legislative impediments, and legislative deadline concerns. While the vast majority of bills never even receive a bill hearing, the sheer number of bills creates a lot of work for the bill drafters, committee staff, policy analysts, and members of the legislature, thereby creating less time to concentrate on more pressing issues and issues that are important to members.
With that background, it has been an important week for TXCPA priority legislation. Senate Bill 262 – creating an additional pathway to CPA licensure – passed the Texas Senate unanimously and is now in the House waiting on a House hearing. The bill was amended on the Senate floor to move the effective date to August 1, 2026, to align with academic years more closely and to give higher education the time they need to revamp or change their accounting programs to fit within the new bachelor’s degree pathway. Passing a bill out of the Senate this early in the session is important and difficult to do. As of March 12, only 23 bills had passed the full Senate, 13 of which were either issues the Governor declared an emergency item or that the Lt. Governor placed on his priority list. To be one of the first 10 bills to pass the Senate without being a gubernatorial or Lt. Gov priority is a big accomplishment.
Concurrently, movement on pathways and mobility legislation is making its way through other state legislatures. Legislation has passed in Ohio and Virginia and in North Carolina, California, Tennessee, Florida, and Pennsylvania, legislation is making its way through the process. Well over 30 states will be introducing and passing legislation in 2025 with many more to make progress in 2026. Look for more updates on what other states are doing regarding pathways and mobility legislation.
Senate Bill 522 – improving and modernizing CPA practice mobility – will be heard in the Senate Business & Commerce committee in the couple of weeks. TXCPA has offered some changes to the filed version of the bill and TXCPA will be working with Senator Perry to include those changes in a committee substitute. The language is closely aligned with the proposed new Uniform Accountancy Act provisions on practice mobility. The UAA and state legislatures are now working harmoniously to make sure that individual mobility takes hold across the country so that no disruption of mobility occurs while we are in the process of adding a new pathway to licensure.
In the House Public Education Committee school choice was front and center. A 12+ hour hearing was held this week to hear the House proposal on school choice. Proponents and opponents of the legislation waited until the early hours of the morning to make their voices heard. While vouchers or school choice may still have the votes to ultimately pass the House, the margins are getting closer and more and more is learned about the proposal and its effect on public schools. Significant differences exist on the scope of school choice plan, who should participate, and what funding increases would be passed for public schools. This is the issue of the session, other than water infrastructure, and there will be a lot more debate and discussion of school choice in the last two and one-half months of session.
TXCPA Bill Review Program is hard at work reviewing over 200 bills that touch licensing, taxes, tax administration, artificial intelligence, and other issues that impact the CPA profession. Thank you to our bill reviewers for their hard work and dedication.