Legislative Action Center




+ Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) 
Visit our BOI page for the latest information.

+Bipartisan Effort Afoot to Improve Taxpayer Service

The bipartisan Taxpayer Assistance and Service (TAS) Act discussion draft contains 65 provisions to meaningfully reduce the burdens on taxpayers and their preparers. The aim is to adjust the laws governing IRS procedure and streamline the processes for tax compliance. Find out more.

+ Representing You on Capitol Hill

AICPA and TXCPA leaders visit with federal legislators annually to discuss the issues above and others related to protecting your profession and supporting your clients and companies. Stay tuned to your TXCPA member communications to learn more about this important advocacy issues. 

+ Designating Accounting as a STEM Field

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Students looking for an area of study that will prepare them for a successful career often consider entering into a STEM field.  TXCPA and advocates nationwide are encouraging Congressional action to designate accounting as a STEM field of study.

+ Employee Retention Credit (ERC)


Make Your Voice Heard | Volunteer for the TXCPA Key Persons Program

CPA Key Person Program Seeking Volunteers

Grassroots political action is a vital element of TXCPA’s advocacy efforts. The Key Person program is perfect for those with an interest in representing the CPA profession before elected officials. Get more details about Key Person responsibilities in TXCPA advocacy efforts. Also, see a comprehensive overview of the TXCPA advocacy program in our Member Involvement Guide.




TXCPA Federal Tax Policy Committee

The committee provides feedback to the IRS and U.S. Treasury regarding proposed changes to federal taxation regulations.

Visit the Federal Tax Policy blog.


Proposal Comments:

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