Raising Scholarship Funds for Fort Worth Area Accounting Students
October 24, 2025
Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
6:00 pm Cocktails in the Innovation Lab
7:00 pm Dinosaur Dinner
8:00 pm Dancing and Merriment
Supporting the TXCPA Accounting Education Foundation Scholarships to empower the next generation of CPAs in Erath, Hood, Jack, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Somervell, Tarrant, and Wise counties.

2024 event sponsors and attendees generously created 9 scholarships to be awarded through TXCPA's AEF.
Diamond Sponsors ($10,000)
Somos Jubilados
TriQuest Technologies, Inc.
Platinum Sponsors ($5,000)
The Walton Group
Virginia Hobbs Charitable Trust
Whitley Penn
Gold Sponsors ($2,500)
Lucas Valuation Group/DBG Advisors
UTA College of Business
Silver Sponsors ($1,000)
Barg & Henson CPAs, PLLC
Frost Bank
Mark M Jones & Assoc.
NBT Financial Bank
TaxOps, LLC
Vandolyn L Roszell, PC, CPA
Table Patrons
The Stephanies
Snow Garrett Williams/ Boucher Morgan & Young
Fossilized Legacy Sponsor - $5,000
- Includes 8 tickets to the event ($1,400 value)
- Naming rights for one scholarship to be awarded in 2026 (Ex: TXCPA Fort Worth Fra Luca Pacioli Scholarship)
- Recognition on event materials and website
- Acknowledgment during event program
Prehistoric Patron Sponsor - $2,500
- Includes 4 tickets to the event ($700 value)
- Recognition on event materials and website
- Acknowledgment during event program
Jurassic Friend Sponsor - $1,000
- Includes 2 tickets to the event ($350 value)
- Recognition on event materials and website
Single Ticket
($175 VALUE)
Table of 8
($1400 VALUE)
Fossil Fan
Attending in spirit only. 100% donation to the AEF.