
TXCPA Houston Student Auxiliary


Conquer 2024 by combining your academic knowledge with insights into the opportunities and challenges of real-world accounting careers. The TXCPA Houston Student Auxiliary remains your link to the accounting profession and your career possibilities by offering learning opportunities beyond the classroom.

Member Benefits

TXCPA Houston's Student Auxiliary provides career training, career path options and information, networking, and hiring opportunities for students in the Houston area interested in accounting. Reasons to join the Student Auxiliary community:

  • Access to TXCPA Exchange, an exclusive members-only online forum for questions, knowledge sharing, and opportunities to connect with Texas CPAs
  • Access to an online searchable member directory of our 28,000 members
  • Scholarship opportunities with TXCPA and TXCPA Houston supporting students each year
  • Member communications keep you current on critical professional issues
  • Free job seeker profile on the Career Center, as well as access to internship postings
  • Leadership training opportunities with chapter and state-level volunteer opportunities
  • Discounts on CPA Exam prep courses and business services
  • Information and resources to help guide your first steps to a CPA career
  • Houston Chapter in-person and virtual events to provide career information, meet professionals, and interact with students from other local universities
  • Houston Chapter 20+ committees for your volunteer experience, including joint social events with Young Professionals

Click here to read a testimony from Nhu Le, 2019-2020 Student Auxiliary President.

Join Today!

Free Membership: TXCPA and TXCPA Houston Student Auxiliary membership is free for college and university students. If you have friends who are not a member, encourage them to sign-up. Click here to join today!


If you would like more information about the TXCPA Houston Student Auxiliary program, contact Membership Manager Carol Spencer,


A Place to Call Home

  • Published on Aug 1, 2022
  • by By Carol Spencer

You received your TXCPA and chapter dues renewal invoice recently. If you paid promptly, THANK YOU! If you decided to wait, don't wait too long – your local chapter already has an amazing year-long calendar of events to keep you informed and involved!

WIIFM? Was that your initial thought? You haven't taken advantage of member benefits in the past year or two, and you wonder, "What's in it for me?" Only you can decide the value of membership. We can only share the information to aid in your decision-making process.

There are numerous responses when members are asked, "why did you join" or "why are you a member?" The overarching answer used to be that "it was the thing to do." It was expected that any professional would belong to their association.

Today's benefits that highly resonate with young professionals are "networking" or "growing my personal brand." Both are significant benefits to your individual and career growth. If you're building your career and your family, you can profit from meaningful business relationships found at membership socials and community service activities or through committee connections.

Students and candidates own their vision of a career in accounting and are ready to begin their climb up the corporate ladder. Your immediate goal is graduating, passing the exams, and earning your professional certification that is protected through TXCPA's advocacy efforts. We offer young professionals support through your exam preparation crises. TXCPA Houston provides many opportunities to meet other members, and the TXCPA Exchange allows you to connect with members around the state. Attend chapter meetings and events to meet connections that will be important to your future.

The five- or ten-year CPA continues career building and is open to community engagement opportunities. Accelerate, the local professional development program is ideal for you. For three hours, one day a week for four weeks, you learn about yourself, how to lead a team, how to communicate with different personalities and more. Donating time to share accounting career information with your local school helps your profession grow while enlightening an eighth-grade student on the rewards of such a career path.

The 40+ year CPA is counting down to retirement, which will offer you time to actively volunteer to mentor the future generation of CPAs. Offer support to candidates, students, and new CPAs as they maneuver the path you've trod. Support fundraisers to maintain the CPA pipeline or offer your time to the CPA-PAC for fundraising or serving as a key person contact with a legislator.

Any current or future CPA can find a place to call home at TXCPA Houston. Options are there – just ask other members or the chapter staff.

Click the links below to discover your place to serve and grow!

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This is article is published in the June/July 2022 Forum.  Read the full magazine here!

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