
Select a committee to view its purpose:

  • Accounting Education Foundation Board of Trustees

    Purpose - To aid, promote, develop and advance education and research relating to the study, teaching and practice of accountancy and allied fields.

  • Advanced Health Care Conference Committee

    Purpose - Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs within this industry.

  • Audit Committee

    Purpose - Provide oversight of financial reporting, the audit process, and the system of internal controls. The committee will review significant accounting and reporting issues and recent pronouncements to determine the potential impact on the financial statements. The committee will review the results of the audit with management and the external auditors, including matters required to be communicated under generally accepting auditing standards.

  • Awards Committee

    Purpose - Provide oversight of financial reporting, the audit process, and the system of internal controls. The committee will review significant accounting and reporting issues and recent pronouncements to determine the potential impact on the financial statements. The committee will review the results of the audit with management and the external auditors, including matters required to be communicated under generally accepting auditing standards.

  • Branding and Community Outreach Committee

    Purpose: Provide input for the promotion, protection and management of TXCPA’s brand and make recommendations for programs and initiatives designed to increase awareness and visibility of Texas CPAs and TXCPA in communities across the state.

  • Business Valuations, Forensic and Litigation Services Committee

    Purpose - Explore issues and make recommendations to serve the specific needs of members in the areas of business valuations, forensic accounting and litigation services.

  • Chapter Coordinating Committee

    Purpose - Enhance and support the vitality of chapters and their grassroots efforts, promote cooperation and communication between and among chapters and the state level of TXCPA, and facilitate the chapters’ ability to collaborate with and enhance the work of the Society.

  • Chapter Legislative Coordinators Committee
    Purpose - To coordinate an effective legislator relationship and contact program among TXCPA’s 20 chapters.
  • Compensation Committee
    Purpose - To guide and oversee the formulation and application of staff compensation and benefits for TXCPA employees.
  • CPA Practice Issues Committee
    Purpose - Explore issues and make recommendations regarding the specific needs of members in public practice, focusing on members’ ability to provide quality services to their clients and the public; and providing support to the enhancement of their professional careers.
  • CPA-PAC Committee

    Purpose - To operate an effective Political Action Committee on behalf of TXCPA.

  • CPE Advisory Board

    Purpose - The CPE Advisory Board will provide advice and counsel to TXCPA staff for effective business operations of the CPE Foundation which will include:
    1. Development and implementation of a strategic framework for CPE that meets the changing marketplace demands;
    2. The delivery of market-driven, quality, affordable CPE to members and accounting professionals; and
    3. The exploration and implementation of new CPE curriculum and modes of CPE delivery.

  • CPE Exposition Committee
    Purpose - Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs at all levels within the profession, public or industry.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee
    Purpose - Explore issues and make recommendations regarding diversity/inclusiveness in three areas:

    1) recruiting into the accounting profession in Texas,
    2) increasing membership and participation in TXCPA, and
    3) helping CPAs serve a diverse public.
  • Editorial Board
    Purpose - Provide oversight and review for TXCPA’s magazine, Today’s CPA. Enable the continued development of a magazine that is accurate, relevant, fair, timely, readable and appealing.
  • Energy Conference Committee
    Purpose - Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs within this industry.
  • Federal Tax Policy Committee
    Purpose - The objective of the committee is to serve as the representative voice of Texas CPAs to the United States Congress, the Department of the Treasury, and the IRS on actual and proposed federal tax legislation, regulations, and administrative pronouncements affecting our members and the public with its primary focus on issues of tax administration that impact CPAs as tax practitioners. The committee should solicit input from TXCPA members on federal tax matters and communicate concerns and responses through appropriate channels, including AICPA and legislative and tax authorities. The committee should be cognizant of the activities and initiatives of the various AICPA tax committees. The committee should provide a valuable source of information to TXCPA members on the
    effects of pending legislation, regulations and administrative decisions.
  • Finance Committee
    Purpose - Provide financial oversight for the organization. This includes review of interim financial statements with management, setting financial goals and policies of the organization, working with staff to recommend an annual operating budget and recommending member dues amount to the Executive Board and Board of Directors.
  • Financial Institutions Conference Committee
    Purpose - Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs within this industry.
  • Governance Committee

    Purpose: Assist in identifying and developing future leaders for TXCPA committee and board service, identifying skills and competencies needed for leadership positions, establish a framework for evaluating board performance and review and make recommendations on governance policies, practices and procedures.

  • Information Technology Committee
    Purpose - This committee will serve in an advisory role regarding the Society’s own technology plan that aligns with the Society’s strategic plan and be a resource addressing the members’ technology needs.

  • Investments Committee
    Purpose - Invest available funds within the TXCPA Investment Guidelines and Objectives and review the investment results. The committee also makes recommendations regarding the Investment Guidelines and Objectives.
  • Legislative Advisory Committee
    Purpose - Develop, communicate and implement, with approval of Society leadership, TXCPA's state-level legislative agenda, including issues involving the profession's licensing and regulation, civil justice and taxation, as well as general business economic issues.
  • Membership Committee
    Purpose - Recruit and retain a TXCPA membership focused on all persons licensed to practice accounting in Texas, college students and candidates who are pursuing an accounting education and CPA certificate, as well as other affiliate membership categories. Identify and recommend programs and develop leadership opportunities that will enable
    members to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment and assure a continued supply of future leaders for TXCPA.
  • Nominations Committee
    Purpose - Nominate candidates for officers of the Society and other offices as directed by the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.
  • Nonprofit Organizations Conference Committee
    Purpose - Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs within this industry.
  • Peer Assistance Committee
    Purpose - Inform Texas CPAs and accounting students about chemical dependency and mental health issues. Motivate affected CPAs to seek help and assist in their recovery.
  • Peer Review Committee

    Purpose - Administer the Peer Review Program according to the requirements of AICPA and TSBPA respectively.

  • Professional Ethics Committee

    Purpose - The committee's primary goal is that each member of TXCPA acts ethically. The primary objective in reaching this goal is ensuring that Society members abide by the current TXCPA Code of Professional Ethics. (The Code of Professional Ethics consists of both the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and the TSBPA Rules of Professional Conduct.) The activities of the committee are focused on achieving this objective.

  • Professional Standards Committee
    Purpose - The objective of the committee is to respond to exposure drafts of proposed accounting and auditing standards, rules and regulations issued by FASB, GASB, FASAB, SEC, AICPA (including those pertaining to ethics), the OMB, the GAO and any other accounting and auditing standard-setting bodies that have an impact on the practice of
    accountancy in Texas.
  • Relations with IRS Committee

    Purpose - Build and maintain alliances with appropriate external target audiences in order to exchange ideas of mutual interest and concern, expressing CPA positions, and initiating collaborative efforts

  • Single Audits and Governmental Accounting Conference Committee
    Purpose - Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs within this industry.
  • State Taxation Committee
    Purpose - Monitor and, as appropriate, respond to the development of state tax legislation, rule-making and administrative proceedings.
  • Strategic Planning Committee

    Purpose - TXCPA Bylaws, Article XVII, sets forth the role of the strategic plan and charges the Strategic Planning Committee with the responsibility of reporting on the plan's implementation at each Board of Directors meeting.

  • Summit Committee

    Purpose: Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs who concentrate on tax, state tax or estate planning.

  • Texas Insurance Trust

    Purpose - Establish and maintain the Fund to provide insurance products including, but not limited to, life, accident, and health to qualified members of the Society, their employees and their families. The Trust shall have the responsibility to review and monitor all insurance policies, products, plans, etc., that are offered to the Society, its members, their employees and their families. Any of such insurance as the trustees may determine shall be provided through one or more insurance policies issued by insurance carriers.

  • Texas School District Accounting and Auditing Committee

    Purpose - Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs working in the school district accounting and auditing area.

  • Texas State Taxation Conference Committee

    Purpose - Plan and execute an annual continuing education conference for CPAs working in the state tax area.

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