2022 Business & Industry Award Winners


Tracie Miller-Nobles

Tracie L. Miller-Nobles, CPA-Austin, is a professor at Austin Community College. She teaches introductory financial accounting, accounting data analytics, individual income tax, and tax research in both traditional and online formats. She has teaching experience at the community college and university levels. Miller-Nobles received her master's degree from Texas A&M University and is working on her doctoral degree also from Texas A&M University. Her research interests include financial literacy education, culturally responsive teaching and online learning. She has public accounting experience with Deloitte Tax LLP.

She is active in TXCPA Austin. She currently serves as president-elect for the chapter and has served in the past as secretary and Oversight Council chair. At the state level, Miller-Nobles has served on the Relations with Educational Institutions Committee, serving as chair for several years.  She will be serving on the Nominations Committee for 2022-2023. She is president for Teachers of Accounting at Two-Year Colleges (TACTYC). She has served in leadership roles for the American Accounting Association, serving on the Board of Directors, Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum section, and AAA's Two-Year College section and was a member of the Pathway's Commission on Accounting Higher Education. She is an active member of the Association of International CPAs (AICPA), having served on the CPA Evolution Model Curriculum, the Financial Literacy Committee and Nominations Committee.

Miller-Nobles has received several teaching and professional awards, including the AAA J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook Prize, TXCPA Outstanding Accounting Educator, TXCPA Rising Star, and the TXCPA Austin CPA of the Year. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband Kevin, his three kids Caleb, Josh and Meggie, her parents Kipp and Sylvia, and sister Michelle. She believes that camping and hiking are restorative and calming and that life was meant for good friends and great adventures. She has been mentored by many wonderful colleagues and inspired by her students.


Bryan Edwards

Bryan Edwards, CPA-San Antonio, is the CFO of the Southwest School of Art. In a career spanning over 30 years, he has worked primarily in business and industry, but also has experience in public accounting. In addition to higher education, he has worked in staffing and recruiting for a large family conglomerate overseeing their family office, in hospitality, and also for a large data management company in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Edwards has been an active TXCPA member since 2014, serving locally as a B&I Committee member, later as the chairman, as a vice president on the Executive Board and is the current president of TXCPA San Antonio.  At the state level, he has served on the Board, as well as on the Business and Industry and Nominating committees. His wife, Jennifer, is also a CPA and a partner with the KFordGroup in San Antonio. They have two adult children and one grandson.

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