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Customized CPE brought directly to you

TXCPA can customize CPE programs to fit the needs of your firm/company and bring them to your office.

On-site CPE makes quality, specialized learning readily available to your team.  Many organizations find this a highly effective way to get the most out of their CPE budget. We offer per person discounts based on the number of expected attendees.

You’ll work with our expert learning specialists to get the best dates, course length, instructor, and materials. TXCPA takes care of all the logistics, including travel for the instructor, preparation and delivery of materials, and other planning.

Contact Anice Asberry (800-428-0272 ext 8514) for more information.

In the recent past TXCPA has supplied the following programs:

  • State-mandated ethics
  • Preparation and Compilation and Review
  • Annual Update and Review
  • Accounting and Financial Reporting Considerations Related to COVID 19
  • Economic Update
  • Balance Sheet Management
  • Fraud Risk Management and Assessment




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