TXCPA Chapter Scholarships
Several TXCPA local chapters assist accounting students by providing scholarships. The TXCPA chapters lists below offer scholarship awards:
TXCPA Austin
Scholarship Amount: $500-$2,500 each
TXCPA Corpus Christi
Scholarship Amount: $250-$1,500 each
TXCPA Fort Worth
$2,500 in scholarships for 4-year universities and $1,000 for the five community colleges approved to offer the additional 30 hours for licensure.
TXCPA Houston
Scholarship Amount: $500 and $5,000
TXCPA Permian Basin
Scholarships funds given to the University of Texas-Permian Basin every
September for their distribution.
TXCPA San Angelo
Scholarship funds are available for San Angelo State University accounting
TXCPA San Antonio
Scholarship Amount: Up to three at $1,500, and up to two at $2,500
TXCPA South Plains
Scholarship recipients selected by local schools, including Texas Tech
University, Lubbock Christian University, Wayland Baptist University and South Plains College.