Faculty and Student Ambassadors

Working with Texas educators and students to share resources and engage the next generation of CPAs is an important initiative for TXCPA! Every year, we seek eager faculty and students to serve as TXCPA Ambassadors to help us strengthen our presence on Texas campuses and learn more about what we can do to support Texas educators and students.

Interested applicants should complete and submit the applicable online application below. For more information, please contact Member Services at (800) 428-0272, (option 1) or email membership@tx.cpa.

Thank you for your willingness to serve!


Faculty Ambassadors are asked to complete various activities each semester to enhance TXCPA's visibility on their campus. More details about these expectations are available on the application.

Only one faculty ambassador will be assigned per campus every fiscal year (June-May). Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Candidates for this role must be members of TXCPA and the local chapter and must teach accounting full time (at least 6 credit hours) at a two- or four-year college or university in Texas.

Faculty Ambassadors receive the following from TXCPA:

  • Free TXCPA Membership for the period of June 1 through May 31.
  • Discounted registration fee for the Accounting Education Conference.
  • Access to event reimbursement funds, by request up to $200 per campus as available. An introduction to the local chapter via email upon confirmation of ambassador status.
  • A letter of appreciation sent to the accounting department chairperson and/or business school dean at the end of the spring semester.
  • The opportunity to list faculty ambassador status on his/her professional vita.
  • Recognition at appropriate Society and chapter events and in relevant TXCPA communications, including in Today’s CPA.
  • Contact and updates from TXCPA staff on a monthly basis.
  • Connection with a student ambassador when appropriate.
  • Recruitment materials, as needed.
  • Guest speakers, by request.



Student Ambassadors assist in the recruitment and retention of TXCPA student members, identify campus opportunities for TXCPA, work with the faculty ambassador on his/her campus to promote TXCPA membership and participate in TXCPA informational conference calls, as needed.

Only one student ambassador will be assigned per campus every fiscal year (June-May). Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Candidates for this role must be members of TXCPA and the local chapter and must be recommended by a professor or faculty advisor.

Student Ambassadors receive the following from TXCPA:

  • Complimentary membership in the Society and the local chapter.
  • Access to event reimbursement funds, by request.
  • An introduction to the local chapter via email upon confirmation of ambassador status. The opportunity to list student ambassador status on their résumé.
  • Recognition at appropriate Society and chapter events and in relevant TXCPA communications, including Today’s CPA.
  • Contact and updates from TXCPA staff on a monthly basis.
  • Connection with a faculty ambassador when appropriate.
  • Recruitment materials, as needed.
  • Guest speakers, by request


Thank You!

We are grateful for the faculty and student members who have committed to serve as TXCPA Ambassadors! These dedicated individuals help extend TXCPA's reach and visibility on college and university campuses across the state to help us connect with the next generation of CPAs.

View the list of Ambassadors.

Do you see a school missing from this list? Help us find ambassadors and make more vital connections by sending your suggestions to Shicoyia Morgan (800) 428-0272, ext 8525 or email smorgan@tx.cpa.




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