September 01, 2024
2023-2024 Outstanding Chapter Awards
To inspire chapters in their continuing work to elevate member service, TXCPA bestows Outstanding Chapter Awards to the small and medium-sized chapters. Selection is made by a group of past presidents from chapters of all sizes who understand the work involved in successfully leading volunteers. Here are a few highlights about the chapters honored for the 2023-2024 year.

Small Chapter Recipient – TXCPA San Angelo
Ashlei Lewis, President
The committee was impressed by TXCPA San Angelo's extensive CPE offerings, their strong membership retention and recruitment efforts, and their active engagement with both members and students. The chapter organized six one-hour events and provided 67 hours of seminar programming.
The chapter exceeded its goal of expanding its reach and increasing the membership! By proactively engaging with non-member CPAs who attended CPE events, they successfully added 33 new CPA members to the roster.
To foster the development of future CPAs, TXCPA San Angelo maintains a strong relationship with their local university, Angelo State University. Their outreach efforts included hosting a CPA2B Bootcamp and participating in a Meet the Firms event. These events allowed students to connect with local CPAs, ask questions about the accounting profession and the steps to becoming a CPA, and gain valuable insights on professional appearance and interview techniques.
Additionally, the chapter organized a San Angelo Tour with CPAs, where they transported students to various participating CPA firms throughout the city. During the tour, attendees received brief tours or presentations from each participating firm.
Congratulations to TXCPA San Angelo!

Medium Chapter Recipient – TXCPA South Plains
William Sanders, President
TXCPA South Plains awarded $25,000 in scholarships to 13 accounting students from Lubbock Christian University, Texas Tech University, South Plains College and Wayland Baptist University. The scholarship recipients were invited as special guests to the September chapter meeting, where the program educated them about the CPA Exam.
In addition, efforts were made to strengthen engagement with the four local accounting programs by giving presentations to accounting classes. They also served as a resource for financial literacy and promoted the profession at local elementary, middle and high schools.
TXCPA South Plains welcomed 52 new members and achieved a 93% member retention rate. Personal outreach efforts targeted new members, new licensees and potential CPA members. Collaboration with other local accounting and finance-related groups, including the IIA and banking professionals, helped to promote the benefits of TXCPA membership.
The chapter also kept members informed on the role and impact of the TXCPA PAC, including how funds are obtained and distributed. Members were encouraged to participate in the TXCPA PAC and the chapter exceeded its fundraising goal, reaching 149.6% of their target!
Congratulations to TXCPA South Plains!
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