Sponsorship Opportunities

TXCPA Southeast Texas has several exciting opportunities for organizations interested in getting involved with local CPAs. The advantages of sponsorship include:

  • Networking with some of the sharpest business leaders in Southeast Texas.
  • Public relations and marketing opportunities at CPA meetings and seminars.
  • Special recognition at TXCPA Southeast Texas events.
  • Corporate recognition on the TXCPA Southeast Texas website, monthly e-newsletter and on social media.
  • Web links from the TXCPA Southeast Texas website to the sponsoring corporation.

2024-2025 Sponsorship Options Include: 
- Fall Breakfast Sponsor
- Spring Breakfast Sponsor
- Chapter Meetings
- Chapter Sponsor
- Happy Hour Sponsor 

Download the TXCPA Southeast Texas 2024-2025 Sponsor Prospectus for more details. If you would like to become a sponsor, please email Lauren Johnson at