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Welcome New Chapter Leaders

  • Published on Jul 16, 2024
  • by Lauren Johnson

With the start of a new chapter year, we would like to recognize our 2024-2025 Southeast Texas Board of Directors:

President - Megan Gallien
President-Elect - Chip Majors
Vice President - Administration - Marylyn Byrd   
Vice President - CPE - Jane Whitfield
Secretary - Christa Wofford
Treasurer - Erik Angelle
Chapter Director (2024-2026) - Michael Jordan
Chapter Director (2024-2026) - Hailey Zick
Chapter Director (2023-2025) - MaKayla Lueckemeyer
Chapter Director (2023-2025) - Chris Lanier
Immediate Past President - Ricardo Colon
TXCPA Leadership Council Chapter Elected Member (2023-2025) - David Rose

We are looking forward to a fun and busy chapter year!