CPE & Events

TXCPA Austin Meeting Calendar

+ Council Meeting, 11:30 am - 1 pm, March 7, 2025

+ Executive Board Meeting, 11:30 am - 1 pm, March 27, 2025

+ Executive Board Meeting, 11:30 am - 1 pm, May 22, 2025

+ TXCPA Leadership Council and Annual Meeting of Members, June 26-27, 2025, Tremont House & Grand Galvez, Galveston

Members who are interested in attending Executive Board or Oversight Council meetings as a guest may email mbentley@tx.cpa to learn more about attending. Also see, TXCPA’s Meeting Calendar.

TXCPA Austin Events

+ March Happy Hour, March 6, 2025, from 5 to 7 pm. at MIA Italian Tapas & Bar – Domain. Register here

+ Virtual Accounting and Finance Leaders CPE Series, Date: April 8, 2025 (register here) and April 22 (register here). Earn four hours of CPE per session. 

+ Find Chapter Education Events Here

TXCPA Events of Note

+ Professional Issues Update Webcast (free for TXCPA Members) May 7, 2025. Register here.

+ REPLAY - Professional Issues Update Webcast (free for TXCPA Members) May 22, 2025.  Register here.

Past Meetings, Social and Volunteer Events

Volunteer Appreciation & Awards Luncheon

A delicious lunch marked the end of the 2023-24 chapter year where members honored volunteers that made the chapter year a success.  County Line on the Hill was the location and Chapter President, Lara Akinboye, CPA, was the host.  Members and guests enjoyed BBQ, peach cobbler and fabulous views of the Texas hill country.  Thank you to everyone who participated in chapter events this year and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Young CPA of the Year - Aarika Anderson, CPA
Committee Chair of the Year - Jason Lucio, CPA
CPA of the Year - Sarah Loghin, CPA
Accounting Pipeline Champion - Kristy McDermott, CPA
President's Service Award - Angie Hardy Borne, CPA
Two Pathway to Leadership graduates were recognized:  Nicholas Meeker Salinas, CPA and Dunia Gonzalez, CPA


Interview & Resume Review Workshop, April 27

Thirty-plus students/candidates/early career CPAs took part in a mock interview and review of their resumes at the TXCPA Austin Annual Interview and Resume Review Workshop.  The workshop was held on Saturday, April 27, 10am-1:30pm and provided valuable feedback for those looking to secure accounting positions in the future.  Thank you to ACC for providing the location (Northridge Campus) and thank you to our wonderful volunteers who participated in this important event.


LEAP Networking Event, April 23

Easy Tiger Linc was the venue and fun was on the agenda.  The weather was beautiful, the food and drink was great and the conversation was inspiring.  Be sure to join us next time!

Past President's Breakfast, February 2

A group of TXCPA Austin Past President’s met for breakfast on Friday, February 2 at La Madeleine French Bakery.  Hosted by current chapter president, Lara Akinboye, the annual event honors those that have graciously volunteered their time to lead the chapter each year.  The picture board shows each chapter president’s picture from the year they were president and is always a topic of conversation at the event.  Each participant received a logo coffee mug.  Thanks for your service, presidents!



TXCPA Austin Meeting of Members & Election of Officers

Thank you to those who attended the TXCPA Austin Annual Meeting of Members and Election of Officers yesterday at Maggiano’s Little Italy. We elected next year’s officers, recognized scholarship winners, heard about the importance of giving to the TXCPA PAC and received valuable information about the CPA profession from TXCPA Chair, Tim Pike, CPA. This was also the kickoff to the chapter’s 85th anniversary year! #CPAsCount


Slate of Officers for 2024-25

President Elect – Kara Hamann
Vice President, Community Involvement – Stacey Mahajan
Vice President, Member Services – Sarah Loghin
Vice President, Education & Leadership – Jason Lucio
Treasurer Elect – Mandy Klein
Leadership Council Member (expires 2026) – Jan Keeling
Leadership Council Member (expires 2027) – Matt Malcom
Leadership Council Member (expires 2027) – Jeremy Myers
Leadership Council Member (expires 2027) – Nancy Foss
Members-at-Large:  Tina Ding, Norm Holz, Vanesa Hybner, Mary Cam Anderson, Julie Sigety, Jennifer Brown, Lea Anne Porter, Audrey Nguyen, Jeannie Kwong
Nominations Committee:  Jan Keeling, Christi Mondrik, Jeremy Myers


TXCPA Austin Holiday Party

Chapter members and guests did some Rockin’ Round the Tie Dye Christmas Tree at the TXCPA Austin Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 5, in the chapter’s training room.  Attendees enjoyed hot appetizers from ZuZus, counting candy game, ugly sweater contest and had the opportunity to write a note of encouragement in a holiday card that will be delivered along with an HEB gift card to those at Safe Alliance.  Additionally, coats were collected for The Junior League of Austin’s Coats for Kids program.  Fun was had by all.  Happy Holidays one and all!



TXCPA Austin/ACC Career Fair

More than 50 students attended the Career Fair held at the ACC Highland Mall Campus on Saturday, November 11.  Employers ranged from CPA firms to state agencies to general businesses. 



Taste of Trace Bourbon Tasting Scholarship Fundraiser

Thank you Jeremy Myers for sharing your knowledge and passion for bourbon!  We had loads of fun, ate good food and enjoyed great conversations all while supporting the chapter's scholarship fund.  Join next time - you won't want to miss it!


Keep Austin Beautiful

Thank you to Lacey, Naoko and Angie for cleaning up around Walnut Creek Elementary School on Saturday, November 4, 9am-noon.  Another example of how CPAs COUNT!

Halloween Networking & Games

A spook-tacular time was had by all who joined fellow members in a fun-filled evening on Thursday, October 26, 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. in the chapter’s training facility. Guests played Mingle Bingo and Halloween Trivia, took selfies with Halloween accoutrements, and guessed candy totals in jars.  We also had a costume contest and lots of friendly conversation. Best costume award went to Miryam Escareno dressed as Mario!


Mentor Program and LEAP Networking

We had a nice turnout for the Mentor Program and LEAP Networking event on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at Easy Tiger Linc.  Everyone enjoyed appetizers, drinks and good conversation!


CPAs COUNT! at Lake Travis  

Thank you to Donna Wesling, Sarah & Razvan Loghin, Dunia Gonzalez and Nicholas Meeker Salinas and his fur baby, Saigg, for participating in the Lake Travis Clean Up on Sunday, September 17, 9am-11am.  CPAs COUNT in so many ways!

Halloween Networking

Halloween Networking and Games

Join fellow members in a fun-filled evening on Thursday, October 26, 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. in the chapter’s training facility. We’ll have games, prizes and lots of friendly conversation.  Costumes optional!  Free for members.  Register here.

2023 TSBPA’s Swearing In Ceremony

Thanks to our awesome TXCPA Austin members who served as ushers at the June 24th Swearing In Ceremony.  Thanks, too, to TXCPA Austin member, Donna Wesling, former Chair of TXCPA, for representing TXCPA at the ceremony. 

Ushers:  Hedwig Wenninger, Julie Sigety, Mei-Feng Lu, Tony Ross, Tina Ding, Jan Keeling and Jason Lucio.  Congrats to all the new licensees!




Volunteer Appreciation Casino Night

On May 23 we welcomed our volunteers and graduates of our Pathway to Leadership program at the chapter office for a casino night to thank them for their service to the chapter and to recognize those who completed the full Pathway to Leadership course. Boy did we have FUN! We played blackjack, roulette and craps and gave out awards to our chapter members. Huge thank you to all of our volunteers who have given their time, energy and ideas to the chapter over the last year. We couldn’t do the things we do or have the impact we have without you!

Central Texas Food Bank Volunteer Shift

Chapter members met at the Central Texas Food Bank for a food sorting shift on Wednesday, May 17. Volunteers inspected, cleaned, sorted, boxed and prepared donated food and non-food items to distribute to Partner Agencies and the communities they serve.

LEAP Electric Shuffle Event

The LEAP Group (Leaders Emerging in the Accounting Profession) held a celebration at Electric Shuffle on May 18th to celebrate the end of another chapter year. The group had a fantastic time and learned to play “electric” shuffleboard!

Past Presidents Lunch

Twenty-five TXCPA Austin Past Presidents met for lunch on May 10 in the chapter training room. Each attendee was given the opportunity to tell the group what they remembered most or learned from their year as president. Chapter President, Tracie Miller, gave an update on chapter activities and then Kenneth Besserman, TXCPA’s Director of Government Affairs, gave a quick legislative update. What a blessing it is to have such dedicated and experienced members in TXCPA Austin!

End of Chapter Year Cocktail Reception at Link & Pin Art Gallery

We had a wonderful time at our End of Chapter Year cocktail reception on April 20. Members gathered at Link & Pin Art Gallery to celebrate with each other and viewed a beautiful art installation with pieces from the Capitol Art Society – the oldest juried membership art group in the Austin area. We enjoyed appetizers and refreshments and reflected on what we accomplished as a chapter in the last year and where we are going in the new chapter year.

B&I Behind the Scenes Tour at The Moody Center

What an awesome time we had as we toured the newest multi-purpose event center in Austin, The Moody Center, located on the UT Campus. While UT men’s and women’s basketball games are held at the Moody, the venue is mostly used for concerts and other events throughout the year. The venue is modern and was designed with an Austin flair, including many Austin-influenced murals painted on the walls. We visited the swanky suites, the backstage area and even the state of the art loading docks designed for easy and quick turnaround for setting up. We ended the tour with a Q&A with accounting staff and those working in the membership and marketing departments. A big thank you to our wonderful tour guide, Alex (third from the left, front row of the group picture).

Annual Member Meeting and Election of Officers

(January 26, 2023) TXCPA Austin members gathered together on January 26 at Maggiano’s Little Italy for our annual Member Meeting. We recognized our chapter leadership and scholarship award winners, and also heard from TXCPA Chair Sheila Enriquez who gave the chapter an outstanding professional issues update.

TXCPA Austin Holiday Party

(Monday, December 5 at Cover 3) TXCPA Austin Chapter members kicked off the holiday season at COVER 3 with food, fellowship, cocktails and a community service project! We packaged 20 hygiene kits to donate to The SAFE Alliance to help families get back on their feet. We had a great time and are looking forward to the next time we can get together again!