Community Service

Many worthy causes and organizations would love to include CPAs among their volunteers. The community service organizations listed on this page have asked for TXCPA Austin's help in recruiting volunteers. Feel free to contact them directly if you would like to volunteer your time.


Austin Food Bank

Our next volunteer opportunity is Wednesday, January 15 at the Austin Food Bank from 6 – 8:30 p.m. To sign up, each member is required to create an account and join our group reservation before the shift. You can easily do this by using our unique link.

For more information about volunteering, check out the Austin Food Bank’s FAQ page. We look forward to giving back together!

Texas State Board of Public Accountancy’s Swearing In Ceremony
It is time once again to secure volunteers to usher at the upcoming Texas State Board of Public Accountancy’s Swearing In Ceremony. The ceremony will be held on Saturday, January 25 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Palmer Events Center. This volunteer opportunity is limited to licensed CPA members of TXCPA. We are looking for at least 15 volunteers.

This is an important event and a popular volunteer opportunity for TXCPA Austin. We’re part of a special day for these brand-new CPAs. Please let me know if you are available to usher at this important event. You can contact Lauren Johnson at if you would like to volunteer.  


Stay tuned to more volunteer opportunities coming soon! We also promote these activities in our monthly newsletter and on our social media channels! Stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved with the community!




LEAP | Leaders Emerging in the Accounting Profession

If you need a CPAsCOUNT T-shirt, please contact the Austin Chapter at

Austin CPA Volunteers

Austin CPA Volunteers