Financial Literacy Resources
Community Outreach Materials for Members
PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and talking points on a variety of financial literacy topic are available below. TXCPA is always looking for volunteers who can speak to media outlets about personal finances, taxes, and business topics. Please email us if you are interested in being added to our speaker database.
PowerPoint Presentation
Perfect for "Lunch and Learn" topics that can be presented to clients, co-workers or community groups.
+ Online Safety for Senior Citizens
Talking points script:
+ Internet Safety for Seniors
+ Money Management 101 for Adults
Talking points script:
+ Money Management 101 for Adults
+ Money Management 101 for Students
Talking points script: + Money Management 101 for Students
+ Planning and Saving for Retirement
+ Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft
Note: Templates use Saira Extra Condensed and Zilla Slab fonts. If you do not have these free fonts available on your computer, formatting may be affected. Contact us for assistance.